- Warcraft: Orcs and Humans saved game, full version or demo
- Color would be nice but isn't necessary
- I don't know what else (system requirements) since it's only the first release
July 23, 1996
Seeing that there was no cheater for Warcraft, besides the codes, I thought I'd write one. You can edit your gold, lumber, gold mined, lumber harvested, score, and show the entire map. Giving yourself the maximum gold or lumber and harvesting more will give you a rather large "debt"! In other words, DON'T BE GREEDY! ;-) Also I found at that if you change your score, when you beat the level and it tallies up the points, it changes for some reason. If you change it on the last stage, it works alright. I've tried using the cheater on modem play saved games (sneaky huh?) but only the map seems to work properly...if I give myself gold or lumber, an error occurs. I've never tried changing my score though.
• • • V E R S I O N N O T I C E • • •
Warcraft Cheater is only in the alpha stage.
Always use a COPY of your saved game because it's possible you'll get unwanted results. Please, I need to know of any bugs, weird effects, incompatibilities, improvements, dislikes, etc.
My e-mail address is:
GS Erdrick on America Online.
gserdrick@aol.com on the Internet.
Thank you and enjoy!
You may freely distibute this program ONLY if it includes this original, unmodified documentation! Remember, this software is freeware, NOT public domain! You may upload it to any BBS or online service, but if it is distributed on CD-ROM I would appreciate a complimentary copy. (Hey I'm sure you would want one too!) I am not responsible for any damage to software or hardware that may be caused by this program.